Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Oncologist Miguel Martin Says This Juice Helps Fight Cancer, Treat Gastritis, Diabetes, Liver And Heart

Keeping your body away from illnesses and maintaining a good health should not be that difficult. All you have to do it follow a healthy diet and adopt certain habits to improve your overall lifestyle. Some foods can naturally protect you against different diseases, such as potato.

This common vegetable provides incredible healing properties, and in this post, you’ll learn how to make a potato juice to obtain its cancer-fighting properties.

Potatoes are a great source of energy. Their rich carbohydrate content helps you perform your everyday activities and enables a proper function of your body.

Furthermore, they contain:
  • Enough vitamin C levels to boost your immune system and prevent various illnesses and diseases
  • Antioxidants which help repair your body cells from free radical damage
  • High levels of B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, folic acid, and iron. These nutrients boost the brain function and prevent the formation of the most common type of kidney stones – calcium oxalate stones.
  • Cancer-fighting properties
Regulate Cholesterol and Blood Pressure
Potato juice contains the compound kukoaminas which can regulate the blood pressure levels and help prevent cancer. Moreover, the vitamins and phytochemicals it contains, especially flavonoids, reduce the bad cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular disease.

These compounds reduce inflammation in arteries, thus protecting against heart attack and cerebrovascular diseases.

Heal Sunburns and Whiten Skin
That’s right. Potatoes are well-known skin-cleaning agents used to balance out the skin tone and reduce skin blemishes. They can even help treating eczema. You can use them to treat your sunburns by applying slices on the affected area.

Prevent Premature Aging
Thanks to their ability to make skin soft and smooth, potatoes can prevent the formation of premature wrinkles. You can also use them to reduce the under eye puffiness and dark circles that make your face look tired.

Other Health Benefits of Potatoes
  • Help with stomach problems like gastritis
  • Boost the immune system
  • Help with kidney and liver diseases
  • Protect against cardiovascular diseases
  • Help treat various skin conditions
  • Reduce the levels of blood sugar
  • Help flush toxins from your system
  • Help fight cancer cells
To use potato as a natural remedy for gastritis, Dr. John Lesindzer advises diluting a tablespoon of potato juice in some water and drinking it 30 minutes before having your breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

You can also use potato juice to treat your duodenal ulcer. Just drink 0.5 dl of potato juice as a first thing in the morning and then another 0.5 dl half an hour before your lunch and dinner.

Diseases of the Respiratory System
According to Dr. John Tucakov, potato juice can not only prevent cancer, but it can also help treat pulmonary and respiratory diseases, diabetes, emphysema, and other serious conditions.

Tomizawa is the Buddhist monk who wrote the book “The road to a healthy lifestyle: cancer, nothing to fear …” He analyzed the power of consuming a quart of potato juice on a daily basis to prevent cancer, and the results showed favorable results in 90% of the cases.

The “International Conference on the Fight Against Cancer” in Germany has published the research conducted by the professor of medicine at the University of Akita in Japan, Dr. Kagamine.

He has studied the compounds in potatoes and their separate properties and benefits. Dr. Kagamine managed to discover a substance that helps prevent cancer and suppress the growth of tumor in mice.

Before telling you how to prepare this powerful potato juice, here are several things you should keep in mind.

Important Tips
Buy fresh, organic potatoes, and don’t peel them. Instead, use them with their skin on.
If you can’t find organic potatoes, choose ones that are not stained. You should also avoid very green potatoes and with outbreaks, as they contain solanine buildup – a toxin which can cause diarrhea, nausea, stomach problems, and headache when consumed in large quantities.

Wash them thoroughly before use, and even brush them if needed to be as clean as possible.
Always drink a freshly prepared potato juice, right after processing.
Potato Juice Recipe for Preventing Cancer

You need 2 medium potatoes. Wash them well, brush them and remove any residue to be as cleans as possible. Slice them into thin pieces, and blend them in a regular blender.

To use this juice as a prevention of cancer, drink it before breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You can dilute it in as much water as you like, or for an even better taste, combine it with some fruit or vegetable juice like carrot, apple, or lemon juice. Another option is to add some honey to taste.

Drink this juice for a month, and then make a 2-week pause. After the pause, drink it for another month.
