Do you know which the biggest nerve in our body is? It is sciatic nerve, it passes by the buttocks and carries forward to the limb of our foot. It is the most important nerve which is responsible for the movement, sensation in the legs and strength of our body.
The pain in sciatica nerve is generally detected due to numbness of leg and weakness in the body. The cramps in legs and pain in the lower back area are also signs of sciatica. The sharp burning sensation on one side of the body confirms the severest of sciatica pain.
People who suffer from sciatica issues generally take a lot of painkillers to get some relief from pain and to have a sound sleep. Around 40% of people around us are suffering from this issue which can be easily cured using 8 simple ways.
1. Acupuncture
The acupuncture therapy is always referred as a miracle for sciatica. It uses pressure with the help of hair-thin needles put in several parts of your body. It boosts the energy in the nerves and thus works very well to cure sciatica. This therapy also provides relief from migraines helps to get rid of smoking habit and maintain good lymph flow in the body.
2. Chiropractic method
Chiropractic method works on the spine of our body to get rid of sciatica issue. It provides relief from pain, accelerates the healing process and reduces the inflammation in the body. It improves the mobility of the body and thus it will be easy to make daily movements of the legs.
3. Ice pack
This is a superb home remedy to relieve the pain. For this ice pack you should not use ice, here you can use frozen peas or veggies. Just wrap the frozen peas on the affected area and cover it with a towel. Allow it to remain for 20 minutes and repeat the process every 3 hours.
4. Alternating Temperatures
The high temperature works well to reduce the pain and treat the sore muscles. You can have hot water bath twice a day to have better blood flow in the area. You can add herbs, essential oil or Epsom salt in your bathing water for optimal results.
5. Yoga and Stretch
It is important to make the regular movement of legs when you suffer from sciatica. The small movement can result in pain but still, you should carry on with some stretches to keep the muscles healthy. Do yoga regularly to make the muscles stronger and improve the blood flow in the body.
6. Massage
Massage on the spots where you experience pain is a great way to get rid of numbness and spasm. You can also use some ointments for massage for better results.
7. Oils and Herbs
The essential oil and herbs have natural properties which help to reduce inflammation and pain. You can use such herbs to treat the sciatica issue. Here is a list of herbs and oil which can provide relief from inflammation and pain due to sciatica.
- Devil’s claw
- Roman chamomile
- Turmeric/curcumin with black pepper mix
- Milky oat tops
- Mullein root
- White willow bark
- Lavender
- Clary sage
- Licorice
- Skullcap
- John’s Wort
- Jamaican dogwood
- Arnica
- Kratom
- Linden flower
Proper sleep at night provides good rest to the muscles and relaxes it a bit. It helps the body to recover from the sciatica pain and make the nerves stronger. So, have a glass of turmeric milk at night and ensure that you have enough sleep at night.
Sciatica pain relieving methods are not actually backed with scientific proofs but some people swear to god that these simple tricks work well to treat this issue. You can try this simple remedy to alleviate the pain and numbness of the leg. If the signs of sciatica last for more than 2 weeks then consult a doctor to get proper treatment for sciatica.