Saturday, October 14, 2017

When The Organism Asks For Help: 10 Important Signal.


The human body is a strange thing. It is, at the same time, many processes occur. If something unusual happens, we feel.

However, many of us these signals do not pay attention. But is not it best to remove the problem at the very beginning, rather than wait to complicate things.

So, let’s find out what you are telling us some signals of our body

Dryness of the skin.

Your body lacks vitamin E. To make up for it, turn in your diet nuts, oily fish and vegetable oils.

Brittle hair and nails.

These symptoms indicate deficiency of vitamin B and calcium. Contain a sufficient amount of wheat germ (bread from the germinated grains), whole grains, legumes, potato, milk.

Increased desire for salt.

In the body there is an infection or inflammation, especially in the urogenital system.

Increased desire for sweets.

There is a possibility of nervous exhaustion and need a fast saves energy – glucose.
In this case, it is best taken during or bitter chocolate to avoid problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

Bleeding gums.

The body lacks vitamin C. It is found in port (white and black), fruit and vegetables. Also, you can drink tea and pomegranate.

Poor sleep, irritability, leg cramps.

They talk about the lack of magnesium and potassium. In the first place it is necessary to us green leafy vegetables such as spinach, Swiss chard and kale. After the high content of magnesium are known and nuts such as almonds, sunflower, linseed.These trace elements also are found in dried apricots, prunes and beets.

Dry skin on the elbows.

A clear sign of a lack of vitamin A and C. These vitamins are present in all fruits and vegetables yellow carrots, pumpkin, apricots, orange.

Want to raw foods.

This symptom may indicate gastritis or liver problems. Raw foods will help to alleviate cramps and calm the stomach.

Desire for sour

Organism search this product, because it necessary for the stimulation of the liver or gall bladder. Include in your diet lemon, cranberry.

Want seafood.

You’ll want to eat, because most likely you have a lack of iodine in the body.
