Tuesday, October 3, 2017

They Said That This Fruit Was 10,000 Times Stronger Than Chemo. Here Is What They Didn’t Tell You

Health benefits of Graviola is a trending due to its numerous medical properties. The health benefits of Graviola are very amazing in terms of its effect on prevention of cancer. It is a very effective tool to reduce the cancer development in our body.

Amazon River basin in South America is well known for Graviola tree. It is a 15-30 feet tall tree which is a full package of nutrition essential for human body. The tree provides a delicious fruit which looks a like a melon and has custard-like texture. The leaves and bark of the tree have best health benefits. Thus, the bark and leaves of Graviola tree are widely used for healing the ailments such as liver issues, parasites problems, and arthritis.

Soursop is the well-known name for Graviola, and it is a fact now that this tree is 10,000 times stronger than treatment of chemotherapy to kill cancerous cells. It is not only a hope but a fix and effective treatment for the deadly diseases of cancer.

Government agencies have disputed the magnificent possibility of cancer treatment using Graviola however there are many other benefits which one can gain through this amazing tree. Some of the benefits are listed below-
  • Support the improvement of immune system
  • It stimulates the blood circulation in the body
  • It consists of antioxidant which act as an antiaging agent
  • It also provides assistance to drain the lymphatic system
The FDA has approved the immune system boosting properties of Graviola whereas it’s anti-cancer effect has not yet got the approval.Although FDA has not supported the benefits of Graviola in terms of cancer treatment still many people continue to use this tree and get benefited as well.

A recent study was conducted by Purdue University’s School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences to verify the anti-cancer effects of Graviola. The research provided that the tree consists of a substance called annonaceous acetogenins.

This research also revealed that the annonaceous acetogenins in Graviola tree prevent the growth of cancer cell and in the process it keeps the normal cells unaffected. The amazing compound even fights against the drug-resistant cell of cancer and prevent its development.

This result has proved that the tree is very much useful to treat the cancer cells and should be included in the regular cancer treatment. So, if you also want to use the Graviola tree for your cancer treatment you should consult you doctor for the further suggestion.

Organic Graviola Supplements

Graviola tree due to its healing potential has been a part of non-conventional medicine to cure many diseases.

Graviola trees are generally grown in the wild environment rather than being cultivated in the field. However, it is now available in many organic stores where you can buy the supplement of Graviola to get the healing treatment.

This article is providing you the best information available about the health benefits of Graviola trees. However, you should consult the naturopathic physician before using this supplements for any treatment.
